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Video Tributo a Runing Wild


Con el motivo del cumpleaños de Rock ‘n’ Rolf, varios músicos de todo el mundo hemos reunido fuerzas para hacer una versión de la canción “Blazon Stone”. En este período que nos ha tocado vivir, estas versiones son una de las opciones que tenemos los músicos para seguir estando en contacto con vosotros.  Además de grabar guitarras ritmicas, arreglos y el segundo solo el tema ha sido producido, mezclado y masterizado en mí estudio

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Runing Wild Cover "Blaze Stone"

On the occasion of Rock ‘n’ Rolf's birthday, several musicians from around the world have joined forces to make a version of the song “Blazon Stone”. In this period that we have had to live through, these covers are one of the options that musicians have to continue being in contact with you. We hope you like it!

I played Rithmic, lead and arragements also I mixted and mastered the song

Video Tributo a Blind Guardian


Con el motivo del aniversario de uno de los discos mas influyentes de Blind Guardian (“Imaginations From the Other Side”), varios músicos de todo el mundo hemos reunido fuerzas para hacer una versión de la canción “Mordred’s Song” en este período de confinamiento. ¡Esperamos que os guste! 

Lead vocals: 

-Elisa C. Martín (Hamka, Fairyland, ex-Dark Moor)

-Rob Lundgren (Reveal/Mentalist)

Backing vocals: 

- Cesar Ortiz (Lethargus/ex-Nocturnia/ex-Iridium)

- Rob Healey 

Guitars: Tino Hevia (Reveal/Darksun/ex-Nörthwind)

Keyboards: Elena Alonso (Lethargus, DoReMiFaRock, ex-Third Dim3nsion)

Bass: Sungwoo Jeong (Aversed)

Drums: Evgeny Gromovoy (Adamantis)


· Mixed and Mastered at My Nightmare Studios by Tino Hevia ·

· Video edited by Evgeny Gromovoy ·



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Blind Guardian Cover from the "Imaginations from the other side Album"

On the occasion of the anniversary of one of Blind Guardian's most influential albums ("Imaginations From the Other Side"), several musicians from around the world have joined forces and made a cover of the song "Mordred's Song" during this period of confinement. We hope you like it!

Lead vocals: 

-Elisa C. Martín (Hamka, Fairyland, ex-Dark Moor)

-Rob Lundgren (Reveal/Mentalist)

Backing vocals: 

- Cesar Ortiz (Lethargus/ex-Nocturnia/ex-Iridium)

- Rob Healey 

Guitars: Tino Hevia (Reveal/Darksun/ex-Nörthwind)

Keyboards: Elena Alonso (Lethargus, DoReMiFaRock, ex-Third Dim3nsion)

Bass: Sungwoo Jeong (Aversed)

Drums: Evgeny Gromovoy (Adamantis)


· Mixed and Mastered at My Nightmare Studios by Tino Hevia ·

· Video edited by Evgeny Gromovoy ·



The Crusaders, nuevo video de Reveal


Podeis verlo y comentar en el canal de Rob Lundgren vocalista de Reveal

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The Crusaders, a new Reveal´s video

New video abaliable in the Rob Lundgren channel.

video en directo del Morgana Fest


Video en directo de nuestro tema de apertura pata el Morgana Fest 3 "You Will Rise" en Oviedo  
Camera by Heavy Metal Brigade 
Camera by David & Gema
Photos by Fredy from Derrame Rock Radio & Jose Gonzalez Roces 
Audio mied by Tino Hevia, video Edited by Rob Lundgren

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Live performance of our song You Will Rise played at Morgana Fest 3

Live performance of our song You Will Rise played at Morgana Fest 3 in Oviedo, Spain 2019 with my band Reveal
Camera by Heavy Metal Brigade 
Camera by David & Gema
Photos by Fredy from Derrame Rock Radio & Jose Gonzalez Roces 
Audio mied by Tino Hevia, video Edited by Rob Lundgren

Artista de la prestigiosa marca EVH


Como guitarrista, compositor y productor, siempre he tratado de evolucionar y mejorar en cada trabajo.
Por eso ha llegado el momento de buscar un nuevo camino que pueda adaptarse a la versatilidad que necesito para Reveal, tanto en estudio como en directo.
Por este motivo me siento orgulloso de anunciar mi colaboración con la prestigiosa marca de amplificadores EVH.
Junto a mis guitarras Charvel son el complemento perfecto para llevar a Reveal a otro nivel.

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Going to the EVH family

As a guitarist .... I always looking forward to improve in every work area”

That’s why the time has come to START a new path that will allow me reach the versatility I need for my band REVEAL, both on a live situation and in the studio

Prestigious brand EVH amplifiers.

“Alone with charvel guitars, I can achieve the the perfect complement to take REVEAL to the next level”


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